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25 Impacts of Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life

Artificial Intelligence is an increasingly large part of new technology development in all areas of life. For example, many new smartphones come equipped with voice-activated assistants such as Siri, Google Now, and Windows Phone’s Cortana. This is just one of the ways that AI has entered mainstream consciousness.

However, most people still aren’t really familiar with what exactly artificial intelligence is or how it can affect their lives. That’s why below, we’re going to explore the 25 biggest artificial intelligence uses in daily life, starting off with the most important point:

  1. AI-powered chatbots can help you find anything online: from information about a hotel room or flight booking to ordering takeaways
  2. The rise of social media has led to the development of chatbots on popular platforms like Facebook Messenger, which can answer any query you have and help you find answers quickly without having to go through a lot of searches on Google. This trend will continue with more companies developing their own chatbots and integrating them into their websites and apps as well as social media channels like Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram etc.
  3. One of the most noticeable artificial intelligence uses in daily life is that chatbots are also being used by businesses for customer service support as they provide faster responses and better engagement than humans do. This can reduce costs significantly while also improving customer satisfaction levels at the same time!
  4. Chatbots can help us shop online too! Just ask any question related to your purchase (“Does this shirt come in other colours?”) or check out reviews about it (“What other people think about this product?”.
  5. Smartphones will be able to recognize hand gestures so you don’t even have to touch them anymore—they just know what you want them to do!
  6. Your home appliances will all be connected together through the internet (and smart devices) so they can communicate with each other and make decisions based on what they see happening around them (like how much electricity they need).
  7. It can help you learn about yourself by analysing your behaviour and providing suggestions for improvement
  8. It can help you save money by optimising your spending habits or suggesting coupons based on what you buy most often
  9. It can provide financial advice like investment advice or retirement planning advice based on your current financial situation and goals
  10. AI programs can help you find new job opportunities by identifying occupations that best fit your skills and interests
  11. Pretty soon, personal AI applications will be able to keep track of important documents like medical records or insurance information so they’re always available when needed.
  12. Personal AI applications can help you manage your time by providing reminders and scheduling meetings or appointments. It can also provide suggestions for how to spend your time more efficiently.
  13. Personal AI applications can help you improve your health by tracking your steps, analysing your diet and suggesting ways to eat healthier.
  14. AI can help users reach their goals in ways they weren’t able to before. For example, it can help you figure out how many calories you need to eat each day. It can also provide personalised workouts based on your fitness goals and preferences.
  15. AI systems are also able to recommend activities that will help you stay fit and healthy based on your current lifestyle.
  16. AI helps reduce risk of injury by analysing your body composition before you start any new workout program or exercise regime.
  17. AI also helps with motivation and accountability. You don’t have to see an old-school trainer or spend money on equipment if you don’t want to. The app will provide reminders and goals, so all you have to do is work out.
  18. AI could help prevent fraud. Fraudulent transactions cost businesses billions of dollars each year. AI has the potential to reduce these losses by detecting patterns in fraudulent behaviour where humans might not be able to see them.
  19. If you’re asking “what are some examples of ai in use”, AI helps in increasing sales and profitability by predicting future outcomes of a product or service.
  20. AI can help companies to identify customer needs, predict their behaviour and develop products tailored to those needs. This will ultimately lead to better customer satisfaction, higher profits and increased market share.
  21. AI is helping businesses make better decisions about their products and services, because it can analyse data in a way that humans cannot. For example, Google uses AI to detect fraudulent reviews on its website.
  22. With AI as a partner, businesses can cut their marketing costs by up to 80%. Applications using machine learning also look at various factors such as purchase history, social media activity and other similar data points in order to determine what kind of content will be most beneficial for each customer at any given time.
  23. AI is also helping businesses increase productivity by automating repetitive tasks and reducing costs associated with manual labour. For example, Amazon uses AI to do some of the work involved in shipping packages across the country.
  24. AI can also save businesses money by reducing the cost of hiring new employees or replacing workers who leave their jobs due to rising automation rates.
  25. And this one’s just because it’s one of the best ways AI helps you in everyday life: with an AI tool, you can automate bill payments, check gas prices all over the country, and even have your car drive itself to where you are!

The Takeaway

With artificial intelligence being such a controversial topic, many of these applications of artificial intelligence in daily life will likely take the world by storm. It provides food for thought how AI could impact our day-to-day lives, for better and for worse. It might be a bit early now to conclude which of these 25 impacts will have the biggest influence on our lives. But hopefully you found some food for thought here, and will consider where AI may take us in the coming years.

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